212: Your Money Mindset: How to Make It or Break It in Life | Tanya Dalton Skip to the content
Tanya Dalton quote on money mindset
February 16, 2021   |   Episode #:

212: Your Money Mindset: How to Make It or Break It in Life

In This Episode:

How do you feel about money? Here’s the truth: We all have a money mindset, a relationship that defines how we think and feel about money, and it can either be one of abundance or lack. You’ll learn why you need to set boundaries around money (from both a business and personal perspective), how limiting beliefs can hinder your money mindset, and how the universal laws we’ve been talking about this season apply to your finances!

Show Transcript:

The Big Idea

Money mindset is everything in business.

Questions I Answer

  • What’s a money mindset?
  • Why does mindset matter in business?
  • How can I change my mindset?
  • How can I grow my business?

Actions to Take

  • Think about one thing came up for you when you were digging into your money mindset this week… how can you turn that around to make it positive?
  • Create a positive money affirmation for yourself – post it where you can see it for the next 2 weeks.

Key Topics in the Show

  • What is a money mindset

  • Why your money mindset is important

  • How limiting beliefs affect your money mindset

  • How the universal laws apply to your finances

Resources and Links

Show Transcript

This is The Intentional Advantage podcast with your host, Tanya Dalton,
entrepreneur, bestselling author, nationally recognized productivity expert and mom
of two. In this season, Tanya is continuing to open up more conscious conversations
to help you awaken to who you are and become the best version of yourself.
Welcome to Season 17: Awakening. Are you ready? Here’s your host, Tanya Dalton.
Hello, hello, everyone. Welcome to The Intentional Advantage podcast. I’m your host,
Tanya Dalton, and we’re going to be talking today about what are those things that
quite honestly makes probably about 99% of the people in the world a little bit
uncomfortable, and that is money. So let me ask you before we dig in,
Would you consider your relationship about money to be positive or do you think it’s
largely negative? Maybe you’re like a good number of people and it’s somewhere in
between. Here’s the truth. We all have a relationship with money. We have these
inherent beliefs, these thoughts, these feelings about money, just like we have those
inherent beliefs and thoughts and feelings about well,
everything else in life. The core beliefs that we have about money though, is actually
called our money mindset. And it directly influences our financial status. The
decisions that we make and the abundance of money or the lack of abundance that
we feel we have. And that’s a really important word there that we feel that we have.
Do you feel you have an abundance or do you feel like you have a scarcity?
Our money mindset plays a much bigger role in our lives than most people are even
really aware of, which is why I of course thought we needed to talk about it in a
season called awakening. Our season is all about waking up, being really active, and
invested in your life. And so I wanted to tackle this somewhat uncomfortable
concept. Head on part of being awake is being aware.
And when you’re running a business and you are looking to scale up, you’re looking
to boost your financial resources so you can continue to move forward and scale and
grow your money. Mindset is definitely something you need to explore and
understand and get a whole lot more comfortable talking about, you know, money
doesn’t have to be this taboo subject that we tiptoe around or,
or sweep under the rug. In fact, it shouldn’t be something you sidestep around at all,
no matter what it is you’re doing in your business or how you handle yourself in your
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day-to-day life, money is important. It affects us. We want to say money doesn’t
matter, but that’s not true. That’s just something we say, because we don’t want to
talk about money.
Money is important. Money is what drives the mission. We need money, the mission,
whatever it is you’re trying to do in your business or your life, having the money to
make it happen. That’s going to make a really big difference and it’s going to help
you make that impact even easier. And I get it because in my early days of business,
I felt like maybe some of you are feeling right now. I was overwhelmed by what the
numbers meant. So I, I felt dumb. I felt foolish because I thought I should know what
it all means. I’m a smart person. Surely I can figure this out or surely I should be able
to figure it out. So when it wasn’t easy, when I felt like I didn’t know what I was doing,
I just pretended like it didn’t exist. I didn’t reconcile my accounts regularly, which
caused a lot of headaches. So this is the thing that we do is we think I don’t need to
look at my P and L I don’t need to look at my revenue, my expenses. I don’t need to
look at what the ROI is because I don’t understand what it means.
And so I just don’t want to think about it. And that’s where I was for a little bit, when I
was starting my businesses. And then I realized after enough failures, quite frankly,
that that’s not working, that’s not going to work long-term. So I started dealing with
the finances. I started really trying to understand them and learn what they meant.
Didn’t have to figure it all out. Don’t have to know what every single thing means,
but I started dealing with finances and I started stepping into my own power.
Nothing can make you feel small except for you. And if your lack of confidence with
money and finances makes you feel small, that’s your alarm clock going off telling
you, okay, this is the awakening.
It’s time to wake up, step into your power by understanding your relationship with
money. The truth is no matter how much or how little money that we have, we allow
it to influence our behavior. It influences our thinking, and it affects our mindset
more than anything else. So that’s why we’re going to dig into this some more today.
I want you to understand what it means when we talk about your money mindset.
I want you to understand how it’s formed and how your own unique money mindset
influences you. And then I want to talk about how we can improve upon it so that
the financial success that you really want to achieve becomes even easier. I want
that to be so feasible. And so within reach that, it’s like, why not? Of course this is
going to happen.

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So let’s get into this money mindset and why it matters, because I think it’s safe to
say, all of us have made it to this, you know, big, super fun adult world, hearing a lot
of these seemingly hard and fast truths about finances, right? Rules that tell us that
we need to spend less than we make to invest in our future when and where we can.
And here’s my personal favorite. Not to buy crap. You don’t need, but let’s be real.
Sometimes those rules are a hell of a lot, easier to follow on paper than when we’re
out and about in the real world, right? And this is especially true. If you’re running
your business, where money goes out, just as quickly as it comes in.
I think this is one of the biggest keys to really acknowledge and accept the way we
deal with finances in our business is vastly different than how we deal with personal
finances. That is a truth I need you to take hold of, and we need to treat them very
differently. I have a set of boundaries for my personal finances. That is the whole
totally different than my business finance boundaries.
What I’m willing to do, how much I’m willing to borrow or go into temporary debt for
all of it, which is why you need to make sure you’re separating the two. We don’t
keep personal and business expenses together. I don’t care if you’re a sole
proprietorship, your finances need to be separate. It’s funny because I have worked
with women. Who’ve been in businesses for over a decade.
I’ve worked with women. Who’ve been in business for like 10, 12, 15 years, and they
didn’t have separate accounts. They didn’t have separate credit cards. They didn’t
have a separate process for their finances, which is why. When we sat down and
dove into this, it was no surprise that they were constantly feeling overwhelmed by it
all. And that means that relationship was even more complicated.
So really it’s important that we acknowledge these truths. Finances can be incredibly
tricky. There’s an entire industry, a big industry dedicated to it because it is tricky.
This is why you don’t have to do it on your own. You don’t have to have it all figured
out. You can pull together the team members you need, you know, your CPA,
your tax consultant, your bookkeeper, they are allowed to be experts in these things.
We just have to have an understanding. We have to understand the relationship that
we have. We need to understand how these things work from a big picture
standpoint, because when we understand that we become empowered and as
anyone who’s ever said, a money goal knows we need to have a good relationship
with our money,
but there’s a lot of stories that we tell ourselves. There’s a lot of stories that we tell
ourselves about money, what it is, where it comes from, what we think of other
people with it. And that significantly limits our ability to make changes in our
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financial lives, changes that are going to allow us to grow and expand the
abundance of money that we have at our fingertips.
Our money mindset, shapes everything from what we believe we can and cannot do
with money, to what we believe we are allowed in entitled or able to earn to what we
believe we can and should spend to the way we believe we should utilize debts to
the way we believe we should give away money to charities and others in need to
hear a theme to hear something coming up again.
And again, I think you do. It’s all about our beliefs, all of it, the way that we spend our
money, our ability to invest our money, the way that we view our abundance of
money is all tied to our beliefs. And that is tied to our beliefs of what we’re capable of
when it comes to success. It influences our attitude towards money and towards
both people with money and people without money. But here’s what’s really
fascinating. I think this is really interesting about our money mindset is this core set
of beliefs, just like all the other sets of beliefs that we’ve explored here on the show. It
resides in our unconscious mind. So that means this relationship was being formed
long before you were even actively creating the relationship.
It was being formed long before you were thinking truly about money. So it goes
back to that idea that we asked earlier. Do you think your money mindset is positive
or do you think it’s negative? So knowing what we know, what we just talked about
there, about your beliefs being formed early on in your childhood and in your youth,
let’s dive into this.
There are some easy ways to figure out where your money mindset might land with
a little bit of reflection. You can nail it down pretty easily. Because as I mentioned,
most of us develop our basic thoughts, feelings, emotions, relationships, with money,
and how to approach it by watching the people that we grew up with. And even now
there’s a chance that your attitude about money,
whether you believe you’re capable of earning what you consider to be enough of it,
that is still influenced by the people around you. So the people around you now, but
also the people from your past, and especially from your past where those beliefs
were first formed, your relationship first started. So let’s consider what the money
mindset was of the people around us.
When we were very young and our childhood and our youth, that’s a really simple
place to start digging, to get to the heart of your money mindset. So let’s begin
there. For example, growing up was money, something that was discussed or wasn’t

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discussed on a regular basis. Did your parents worry a lot about money, where there
are a lot of stressful conversations happening around you or was money,
something that seemed like it added stress to your life? What was the general idea
about money in your youth? Were there hard and fast rules? Like you should hold on
to every cent you earn. So that eventually when you get older, you can retire
comfortably or maybe money was looked at as a dirty word, something to be spoken
about only behind closed doors,
something very private, or maybe even embarrassing, regardless of whether it was
an excessive amount of money or a lack of money, or maybe your upbringing paints
a completely different picture of money, conversations about finances at home, or
like really loose and money. Wasn’t really a big thing for your parents or your family
members. Was it something they stressed about? What was it like for you growing
Now, the reason we want to dig in and we want to ask these questions and take a
good, honest look at the answers is because the money mindset that we have in our
adulthood is based on our limiting beliefs. And you’ve heard us talk about limiting
beliefs in the past here on the show, those beliefs may be keeping you from taking
powerful action towards the goals you want to achieve.
Our limiting beliefs that surround our thoughts and feelings about money. They also
prevent us from viewing the world through an opportunistic lens, which means
we’re not really willing to take necessary risks that are going to propel us forward,
where we want to go, because we see money differently. Now, when we talk about
necessary risk that were necessary, it’s a big one right there,
especially in business. I like to say for people, business is essentially like legalized
gambling. You put your money on the table and you hope it does really well. When I
am getting ready for a big launch with our products, I buy all the products in
advance. I put down that money. I basically buy a house in cash and I pay for that
months before we’re going to get a return on that investment months before it’s
going to launch,
because we have to have time for manufacturing. I put that money on the table and
then I’m like, whew, I hope this works out. It is legalized gambling, but it’s also smart
gambling because I don’t just jump off the cliff without taking a look. I take really
mitigated risks. I take a look. I assess the situation before I gamble,
but it’s also necessary if I don’t buy products ahead of time, I don’t have products to
sell. We have to take necessary risks in our business, in business. If we aren’t able to
look at taking certain risks with our finances as something that’s important and
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necessary, something that can be a springboard taking you to the next level. That’s
when we feel less confident in our decision making,
we feel uncertainty or fear overwhelm, or just plain stagnated. We have to take on
necessary risk in order to grow in scale. For example, if you found yourself nodding
along when I was talking about money and asking if it was a touchy subject for your
family growing up, or if your parents were fighting about or stressing about finances,
there’s a really good chance that you could be subconsciously associating money
with conflict,
anger, resentment, pain, stress. So those feelings, those emotions are going to play a
role when you’re making your decisions. You know, in other words, it’s likely that this
is bringing feelings of unease of discontent, more than the feelings of excitement
and opportunity for growth. So when those necessary risks come up, you feel, Oh
gosh, what am I going to do?
This is stressful. This is overwhelming. Instead of looking at it as this is an
opportunity, this is exciting. We have to be aware of how we feel about money and
how we feel about people who have money, because the same thing is true. If you
grew up hearing things like rich people are shallow, rich people are greedy, rich
people are untrustworthy.
You might find yourself hesitating to push forward in your business because deep
down you’re worried that money will somehow change you and who you are and
how you live in a negative way. You’ll become greedy, untrustworthy or shallow. So
we need to make sure that we’re understanding that because when it comes to our
mindset in any capacity, reflection is such an important part of finding that growth
of waking up of,
of joining the groups of us who are awakened. And when it comes to talking about
your money mindset, especially, you’ve got to check your ego at the door, peel back,
some of those layers to discover who you really are. Then you can determine how to
adjust your sales. That’s when you can determine the direction you want to go. And
here’s another little secret when we heal our relationship with money,
we’re able to start appreciating it instead of resenting it or thinking it of as this topic
that we need to skirt around. And when we do that, we change our money mindset
to one that views money as an unlimited resource, rather than one of scarcity. So
naturally the next question that we want to ask ourselves right now is, okay, how are
we going to shift this?
How are we going to shift how we think and feel about money? How do I create a
better relationship? How do I stop feeling this scarcity mindset and move into
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abundance? All right, we’re going to dive into that in just a moment before we do,
let’s take our quick mid episodes Break. This episode of the intentional advantage
podcast is brought to you by the intentional CEO mentorship program by
revolutionary new 12 month coaching program,
helping women entrepreneurs scale to seven figures and beyond. So I have a
question for you today in the show, we’re talking about our money mindset in
business. How confident are you? How well do you understand where you’re
investing your PNL or understanding your attitude towards any and all of it?
Finances, money is just one of the topics that we discuss in my intentional CEO
because honestly there needs to be much more awareness and much more money
talk, no matter what level of business you’re at just a few months ago, I did a finance
training with a group of women entrepreneurs, and it changed their mindsets
completely. It changed how they look at the money that was coming in, how they
felt about the money going out. We really worked on creating a stronger financial
getting a better relationship with their money mindset. So if that’s what you want for
yourself and for your business, head to Tonya dalton.com/coaching, make sure you’re
on the wait list for more information about my mentorship and the free trainings
and the challenges I have coming up. I have lots of things that we are going to be
sharing over the next couple of months.
I’m beyond excited about. And I want you to get on that waiting list because this is
the best way to level up. Just like the women I’ve been working with have so go to
Tonya dalton.com/coaching. All right, Let’s dive back into the show because I want to
talk about how we can develop and cultivate a healthier, more positive money
mindset. That’s going to gear us and help us point in the direction of the success
that we want because finances influence all of our decisions in business.
They really do because cashflow is the lifeblood of your business. And if you have a
bad relationship with money, it means your decisions are not based on truths, but on
limiting beliefs, you have to know your numbers. That’s the bottom line. Otherwise
it’s like hopping in your car to go on a road trip with no fuel gauge, with no idea of
how much gas is in the tank.
And then you’re surprised when you run out of gas, hundreds of miles before your
destination, we need to know how much gas is in the car. We need to know when
the car needs refueling and it’s the same in our business. We need to know what our
cash situation is, what our finances look like, which means we need to be paying
attention to it.

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We need to pay attention to that relationship. So let’s improve this relationship. Now,
you’ll remember we chatted back in episode 209 about the universal laws. And we
dove into all 12 of the laws. And we talked about how they can be applied into our
lives in different ways, every single day in a thousand different ways. And I
mentioned on that show that we would be circling back to the different universal
So this is one of those places. This is where the fun begins. We start talking about
how we apply those laws into our successful money mindset. So let’s apply them. For
example, the law of vibration. Now you remember this one, this is the one that nods
to that saying like attracts, like when we put out positive vibes, we get those positive
vibes back.
So if we want to a really positive money mindset for ourselves, it helps to focus on
the things that already have a positive money mindset. So let me give you an
example for your business. Let’s say you’re looking to scale to seven or maybe eight
figures, then a good place to really begin and start getting into a money mindset.
That’s aligned with that goal is to look to other business owners that have that same
mindset that you need to level up.
Start surrounding yourself with those people, because the conversations will be
positive when it comes to money and then positive back, because I can tell you right
now, you can’t get to seven figures. You can’t get to eight figures. You really have a
hard time even getting to six figures. If you have a scarcity mindset, and if your
relationship with money,
isn’t solid, it’s so much harder to get there. So if you start hanging out with women
who are finding financial success, they probably already have a good relationship. So
start piggybacking off of that, get a business mentor one who actually knows how to
level up her own business and start having those conversations with her, with your
business mentor, or join a community like mine filled with other ambitious
forward-thinking women entrepreneurs.
You can lean on for guidance, support, tips, strategies, all the things you need to
really put out that positive vibration when it comes to money and receive it back.
Law of vibration. Okay. Another law that you can apply is the law of perpetual
transmutation of energy. Whew. Remember that one? It’s the mouthful. It’s the one
that sounds super complicated,
but it’s not. This is the law that says whatever you’re unhappy with in your life, you
have the ability to make shifts and take steps to change things for the better. So not
thrilled with your financial situation. Good news. You can change that. You can turn
it around. You can take action to shift that you are not stuck. You are never stuck
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because the law of perpetual transmutation of energy tells us no matter what is
going on in your life,
whether we’re talking about finances or anything else for that matter, you have
freewill. You can make a choice. You just have to be honest with yourself. You have
more power than, you know, you just have to reach out and take the opportunity to
shift, to change your perspective, to reach out and do something different. That is all
with any your capabilities.
So I want you to keep that in mind that none of this is difficult and none of it has to
happen with a full-on sprint. This is more of a lifelong learning process. This
relationship we have with finances and money is something that is ongoing now,
just because it takes a little bit of time, doesn’t mean it’s impossible to do or that it
isn’t fun.
I mean, mindset work personal growth. It can be messy because we’re looking back
in our past. We’re seeing the things we don’t like, but it is amazingly
game-changing. And I’m speaking from my own personal experience. I can tell you it
is worth every second of work you put into mindset. It truly is. So let’s get some
momentum builders going,
because I want you to focus in on some ways you can shift youth that perpetual
transmutation law to your advantage. What are some actions you can take to get
you going in the right direction? Momentum builder. Number one, I want you to
think about one thing that came up for you when you were reflecting and digging
into your money mindset this week, I’d really love you to hit reply on the email you
get from me this week.
And tell me what’s something that came up for you, because if I know what’s
coming up for you, I’m able to really make more shows that fit what you need. I’m
able to shoot more videos that help you with the things that you’re coming across
with the things that you’re, you’re discovering as you’re diving into this. And yes, it
may be true that you uncovered some not so great feelings.
Some things came up for you when you were reflecting your past. That didn’t feel
great. Maybe they did feel good, but I would love for you to really think through what
is that limiting belief that you have when it comes to money? What does it stem
from in your past? And if you feel comfortable, share it with me. I’m not going to
share it with anybody else,
but I will help support you. Because when we bring awareness to our different
thoughts and our feelings that we have about money, we’re able to shine a light on
those limiting beliefs. We’re able to move the cobwebs out of those corners that
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we’re afraid to go into and we can make it so that your money, mindset shifts and
changes. Okay. That brings me to momentum builder.
Number two, I want you to think about that limiting belief, and I want you to flip it on
its head. I want you to create a positive money affirmation for yourself. I’ll give you
some bonus points. If you share this one with me as well or in my group, because I
want you to remember this, the stories that we tell ourselves,
have the power to become our truths. So we want to make sure that our stories are
positive, that they lend themselves to helping us reach our highest truest potential.
Now, if you’re stuck with this go back episode 202, that was back in season 16, Jack,
my son, Jack and I worked through identifying one of his limiting beliefs. And we
went through a whole process.
You can use that same strategy to really understand your own limiting beliefs when
it comes to money. And then what I’m gonna do actually is I’m going to go ahead
and share a few examples of some limiting beliefs that a lot of people have when it
comes to money. And I’ll guide you through that, how you can flip those around and
turn them into positive affirmations as well.
So I’ll be shooting a video and sending that out this week as well. So I’ll probably put
it in my email that I send out this week as well. And then lastly, momentum builder,
number three, this is for all of you who are not members of my amazing community
of supportive ambitious action, taking women, women, you know, who are just like
You’ve got to join us. We’re shaking some things up over there all season long. We’re
focused on scaling up, bringing your business and your personal life to the next level.
I want you to achieve that lucrative life that you want. So I need you to be in there so
I can help support you and encourage you. And that we all as women can grow
So head to Tonya dalton.com/group, I can’t wait to see you in there and to see where
this journey is taking you, because truly there is nothing that lights a fire under me
than having women come together, standing shoulder to shoulder, connecting with
women who are excited about what the future holds, regardless of what the past
looked like. Women who are geared up and are talking about the different things we
need to do to help us step into ourselves most authentically.
Because when women come together, when we’re able to empower one another,
we’re able to empower ourselves. And that keeps our positive momentum going.
That helps us have that positive relationship with our money mindset. Everything

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that we put out comes back to us, that positivity, that support that encouragement
we know from that law of vibration, it comes right on back.
And when you’re an empowered woman, surrounded by other empowered women,
that’s when the magic happens. That’s when we have the intentional advantage.